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S3: Previous Year Paper Discussion-2
Course Content
Grade: 1-2
S1: Introduction and Diagnostic Test
S2: Previous Year Paper Discussion-1
S3: Previous Year Paper Discussion-2
S4: Counting to 20 and ordering small numbers for 3 and 4 point problems; for 5 point problems can be up to 30, Place value (ones, tens, and up to hundreds for 5 point problems)
S5: Ordinal numbers
S6: Number line just in simple applications, Simple addition and subtraction should be just for 2 single-digit numbers
S7: Fractions (½, 1, 4), only using the words half, third, quarter
S8:Ordering objects by applying one specific characteristic; Sorting and classifying objects, Measurement – length, capacity, weight, temperature, time only with small integers
S9: Patterns-numerical and geometrical, no sequences to be continued somehow
S10: Perimeter; comparing length of broken lines
S11: Relative positions in a figure or in space (behind, in front of, next to, left, right, over, under, middle, in, out)
S12: Comparing sizes (more, less, equal) of small numbers and geometrical regions
S13: Revison Test
S14: Descriptive properties of geometrical figures, Simple spatial visualization of cubes and cuboids
S15: Money with small numbers
S16: Bars and graphs (pictographs)
S17:Calendar (week, month, year)
S18: Clock faces (full and half hours), but no minutes for 3 and 4 point problems
S19: Simple axial symmetry; rotated shapes
S20: Pre-algebra ideas like balances with concepts like equal, more, less,…
S21: Sample question discussion-1
S22: Sample question discussion-2
S23:Mock Test 1
S24: Mock Test 2
Grade: 3-4
S1: Introduction and Diagnostic Test
S2: Previous Year Paper Discussion-1
S3: Previous Year Paper Discussion-2
S4: Measurement: simple area and perimeter, for instance comparing lengths, counting in boxes on squared paper
S5: Measurement: simple area and perimeter, for instance comparing lengths, counting in boxes on squared paper
S6: Symmetry
S7: Basic operations with positive integers (+, -, X, :) with numbers under 1000
S8: Basic operations with positive integers (+, -, X, :) with numbers under 1000
S9: Comparing sizes of numbers; ordering numbers
S10:Multiples and divisors
S11: Multiples and divisors
S12: Simple fractions representing parts of figures, like quarter, half and third
S13: Revison Test
S14: Number of the year problem can be an exception to the under 1000 rule for problems about the digits or similar ideas
S15: Averages (arithmetic mean)
S16: Strategies for simple games
S17: Classification of objects
S18: Puzzles
S19: Sample question discussion-1
S20: Sample question discussion-2
S21: Sample question discussion-3
S22: Sample question discussion-4
S23:Mock Test 1
S24: Mock Test 2
Grade: 5-6
S1: Introduction and Diagnostic Test
S2: Previous Year Paper Discussion-1
S3: Previous Year Paper Discussion-2
S4: Points, lines, segments, circles, (special) triangles and (special) quadrilaterals
S5: Symmetry
S6: Perimeter and area of squares, rectangles and right triangles
S7: Only problems in solid geometry that allow an intuitive approach
S8: Calculations with natural numbers
S9: Recognizing multiples of 2, 3, 5, 9 and 10
S10: Very easy calculations with positive rational numbers (fractions or decimals)
S11: Algebraic thinking without the use of formal algebraic notation
S12: Counting problems that do not involve any formulas
S13: Revison Test
S14: Problems about decimal number system
S15: Easy problems with order between numbers (integers, decimal, fractions) and links with their representations (on graduate line, surfaces,…)
S16: Very easy problems with percentages
S17: Metric system (length, weight, area, volume, temperature, time)
S18: Problems using time, distance and/or velocity
S19: Logical problems that can be solved in a limited number of steps or by analyzing a limited number of cases or hypotheses
S20: Logical problems that can be solved in a limited number of steps or by analyzing a limited number of cases or hypotheses
S21: Sample question discussion-1
S22: Sample question discussion-2
S23:Mock Test 1
S24: Mock Test 2
Grade: 7-8
S1: Introduction and Diagnostic Test
S2: Previous Year Paper Discussion-1
S3: Previous Year Paper Discussion-2
S4: Point, line, segment, angle, acute angle, right angle, obtuse angle, circle, radius, diameter, triangle, isosceles triangle, equilateral triangle, quadrilateral, square, rectangle, parallelogram, rhombus, trapezium, diagonal, regular polygon
S5: Symmetry, translation and rotation in the plane, Sum of the angles of a triangle, sum of the angles of a square, angles formed by two parallel lines intersected by a third line
S6: Elementary propositions about angles, sides and diagonals in special triangles and quadrilaterals
S7: Perimeter and area of a square, rectangle, parallelogram, rhombus, trapezium, triangle, Coordinates of a point in the plane
S8: Cube, regular parallelepiped, prism, pyramid, cone, cylinder, sphere,Area and volume of a cube and a regular parallelepiped
S9: 3-d movement of one- and two-dimensional objects (such as knots and folding), Intuitive 2-d representation of a 3-d object
S10: Calculations with integers and rational numbers (fractions or decimals), Prime numbers
S11: Recognizing multiples of 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9 and 10, gcd and Icm
S12: Intuitive knowledge about the divisibility of a sum and a difference
S13: Revison Test
S14: Powers with exponent 2, Square root of a perfect square, cubic root of a perfect cube
S15: Combinatorial problems that do not involve any formulas
S16: Percentage
S17: Metric system (length, weight, area, volume, temperature…)
S18: Problems using time, distance and velocity that do not involve algebraic calculation, Problems that involve only an intuitive knowledge of probability
S19: Linear algebraic calculations (adding and subtracting monomials of degree 1, multiplying a rational number and a monomial of degree 1) variable., Problems that can be reduced to a linear equation or inequality in one
S20: Logic problems that can be solved in a limited number of steps or by analyzing a limited number of cases or hypotheses
S21: Sample question discussion-1
S22: Sample question discussion-2
S23:Mock Test 1
S24: Mock Test 2
Math Kangaroo
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